Edge Computing – Server Cooling at the Edge.
Edge computing or localised data storage and processing continues to be an upwardly moving theme in the lexicon of data storage and data management. The progressive growth of the volume of data in all businesses has created specific demands and required adaptions for existing and established data management systems. Traditionally, data would be stored in a central location (such as a physical data centre or more recently a cloud server) and every user’s session would link through to this, gather the data they need and return it back to the user. With some data being stored thousands of miles away this could result in long load times and heavy bandwidth usage. Moreover, the increased volumes of data across all businesses and increased localised processing required by sophisticated software and the devices dependent on the internet of things and real-time data processing has necessitated the growth of localised data storage.
Edge computing changes algorithms that put data closer to ‘the edge’ of a network, meaning data is brought closer to the user, whether that be physically loading data from an in house server cabinet or on a local cloud service. As the device doesn’t have to transport data from one side of the world to the other, to then process it and transfer it back over, we see considerable benefits to the user as loading times decrease and bandwidth usage also falls as a result. Where Cloud storage can be seen as big data Edge storage can be seen as instant data and therefore many businesses find the mixture of cloud and local data storage is the most flexible and reactive way of managing data management and storage.
Edge Computer Cooling for Local Edge Data Centres
The advantages of a mixture of cloud-based and edge-based data storage are impressive. Data collected and processed in localised server racks uses internal bandwidth very efficiently. Latency is greatly reduced which makes the processing of any data requiring multiple revisions, for example, video processing, much faster and more immediate for the users. Localised micro data centres improve the capacity of any business to house critical operational data which greatly reinforces business autonomy and independence. Localised data security can be successfully managed in house decreasing the chances of exposure to large scale hacks and data breaches possible in the Cloud and large data centres. Additionally, localised data centres can be physically secured and managed without dependence on external providers.
Cooling The Edge
The location of edge computing in offices and smaller locations makes the significance of server cooling systems immediate and important. Increased activity on the Edge creates an increase in the thermal load and the management of the thermal load will affect the smooth running of localised servers. And the cooling of local edge data centres becomes even more important. Simply, successful Edge computing depends on successful server rack cooling systems. As many Edge computing scenarios are in small spaces and in spaces that cannot be altered to accommodate increasing computer processing an increase in thermal loads can create potential issues for business. The solution as we see it, is precision cooling of server racks in Edge locations. Server rack cooling systems that accommodate the thermal load heat generated by a range of servers and are scalable providing for expansion over time are a benefit for business and part of an investment in the future. Precision cooling that provides server racks with adequate cooling without the need for outside condensers allows for a flexible and agile approach to increased thermal loads and the challenges of changing methods of working.
If you would like a quote on local edge computing cooling, give us a call on 01733 873262 or send us an email listing your concerns.